Monday, January 13, 2014

Third marking period

I recently did these assignments. I was behind so I'm not writing a summary for each one and since I did them all at one time I'll summarize all of them. One of my class mates helped me. First off making the block is complicated cause there isn't any rules you just have to play around with it, until you get the hang of making the blocks. You have to cause the writing tool and the measuring tool in order to create the shape and if you want to pull the shape out to increase the size or push the shape in to decrease in size. You have to use the rotation tool to complete the whole shape. You can also add the colors my class mate taught me how to do the blocks and then she picked out the colors for me. 
What is GIF? GIF stands fore graphics interchange format. How does GIF work? GIF files are a format commonly used for graphics presented on websites. GIF's can contain a maximum of 256 colors and are therefore best for images that contain simple shapes, a limited color palette, text and other elements as opposed to photos.

This project was assignment 26 that consisted of so many annoying steps. The instructions were posted on Ms. Wang's website. So each day I did a certain amount of steps to complete the project. for this project you had to have and create a lot of layers. And when you did certain things like for example writing the my title "Desiree's Fashion Show" I had to make sure I was on the correct layer to make the arc in the title and everything. When duplicating the lights you had to make sure you were again on the correct layer and make sure it was in the center of the picture. The pictures I picked is the same picture but it had to be shown from three different angle views. 

This is assignment was assignment 27. I actually loved this assignment because it was fun and also easy to do. To start off in adobe publisher you had to choose the template you wanted to put all your information on. For the first column you had to put in period 1 & 2, what time those periods began and finished and the class you had that period the teacher the textbook you used for the class. I did this also for the second page periods 3 through 8. On the first page in the middle column I wrote a little introduction about me then explained how I get to school on a regular basis. For the last column I showed a picture of my school and I showed the bell schedule also from periods 1 through period 8. 

During the time of this course called multimedia we used several software's. Some software's being Adobe Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, GIF, Google sketch, Adobe Illustrator and PowerPoint.
GIF stands for graphics interchange format. GIF files are a format commonly used for graphics presented on websites. They can contain maximum of 256 colors and are therefore the best for images that contain simple shapes, a limited color palette, text and other elements as opposed to photos. Google sketch is basically you can create several different things. But for multimedia we had to use this soft ware to create different kind of blocks that consisted of all different types of colors, measurements, sizes etc. Adobe Photoshop I think is one of the best it has so much to offer with so many different things to do to pictures etc. This soft ware can be used to blur pictures, put pictures in motion, touch up old picture make certain things look better or the way you want it to look. You transform images, use shadows, reflections, lights, mix colors, create layered compositions and more. Adobe Publisher is a soft ware used for to create maybe business cards, information flyers, brochure and more. They have several different templates to offer. PowerPoint is a very common soft ware that almost everybody has once used in there life, I find it very helpful. I've used it for previous projects or to study. PowerPoint offers all different kinds of designs and setups to use and you can have as many slides as you want in your PowerPoint. Adobe Illustrator is a graphic-driven software used mostly for creating vector graphics. Also, for creating logos, graphics, cartoons and fonts. For this class I learned a lot of skills I never thought would be helpful to me. Now as I get older I can use Adobe Illustrator maybe to make logos or PowerPoint to do a project. Adobe Publisher to make brochures for a business or my business if I ever had one. These skills and tools I learned can better myself and help me achieve more things in life by knowing how to do several things with different soft ware's.

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